On Tuesday, 5 October, the South Wales branch held their first in-person fund-raising lunch at Cardiff City Stadium since the start of the pandemic. Professor Chris Hawker from the University of Wales Trinity St David spoke inspiringly on the ‘One Health for Wales’ government initiative. In attendance were ESU South Wales President, Captain Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards; Mr Jeff Edwards MBE, High Sheriff of Mid Glamorgan and 70 branch members. South Wales Chairman and ESU governor, Stephen Purcell welcomed a lively audience including two aspiring medical students from Cardiff Academy, Mariam Rauf and Ellie Rees. Ellie and Mariam shared a table with Professor of Medicine, John Lazarus and a number of senior doctors – what better preparation for a round of university interviews? Bringing members up to date with recent developments, Stephen mentioned the recent formation of the Young Members Forum in South Wales chaired by Ellie Bristow which has such an important part to play in the charity’s development.

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