Public Speaking with ESU Yemen
Despite the ongoing war in Yemen, the Public Speaking Competition continues to thrive, as Sheikh Tariq Abdullah, President of ESU Yemen, reports.

Believe in yourself
Jon Briggs, the Voice of Siri and IPSC guest judge 2019, argues that self-belief is the key to turning public speaking from a trial to a thrill.

A Primary Motivator - Colchester and North Essex branch’s third annual Primary School Public Speaking Competitions
Review of Colchester and North Essex branch’s third annual Primary School Public Speaking Competitions

Third ESU Primary School PSC won by St Joseph’s Primary School
Review of the third of this year’s Primary School Public Speaking Competitions

ESU Primary School Public Speaking won by Woodville Primary 4A
Review of the second of this year’s Primary School Public Speaking Competitions

Mace goes to Mersey
The team from St Francis Xavier’s College, a state school in Liverpool, has been named the winner of the English-Speaking Union’s School’s Mace 2019.

Primary School Public Speaking Competition hosted by Anglia Ruskin University
Review of the first of this year’s ESU Primary School Public Speaking Competitions

The Cricketers in Clavering - Event Review
Epping Forest’s branch annual lunch party

ESU-Churchill East Region Final Report
Report on the East Region ESU-Churchill Public Speaking Final
Help give more young people the speaking and listening skills and cross-cultural understanding they need to thrive