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Home > News and views > Ouse Valley: event report ‘all wrapped up: a Christmas confection’

Ouse Valley: event report ‘all wrapped up: a Christmas confection’

Caroline Bacon, former Curator of the The Higgins Museum and Manager of the Rothsay Education Centre, made a very welcome return visit. Taking Christmas, winter and the Nativity as her theme, she looked at artists from Breughel to Damien Hirst and their response through a variety of art media to discover how the concept and image of Christmas has changed over the centuries.

Omitting the well-trodden path of Nativity art, her main emphasis was on the development of the Christmas card. Her final example: a picture of a transparent colourless Perspex “brick”, with various indentations here and there (Damien Hirst).  Oh dear!

We thoroughly enjoyed Caroline’s often amusing presentation – just right after our Christmas lunch.

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