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Home > News and views > Ouse Valley raise £3,000 for ESU centenary

Ouse Valley raise £3,000 for ESU centenary

Sixth form debaters Robert and Enoch (left) with branch chairman Tony Wood

To celebrate the centenary of the ESU, the Ouse Valley branch organised a grand centenary dinner at the magnificent Putteridge Bury Campus of the University of Bedfordshire.

The Lord Paul Boateng, Chairman of the ESU, was Guest of Honour, and the evening included a short head-to-head debate between two local sixth form students, (one representing schools in Bedfordshire and the other schools in Milton Keynes), on the motion ‘This House would discourage the use of English as a universal language’. Eloquent arguments were presented by both students. The motion was narrowly lost.

As a result of external sponsorships and the donations of members, a substantial sum was raised for the ESU’s centenary appeal, and when added to previous funds collected during the centenary year, the branch president was able to present Director-General Jane Easton with a cheque for £3,000 towards the appeal.

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