The half-timbered buildings of the Lord Leycester Hospital are some of the most important medieval buildings in Britain. Constructed by Warwick’s Guilds between 1385 and 1420 the Guildsmen used the grand rooms for banquets and meetings. In the reign of Elizabeth 1, her friend Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester acquired the buildings from the Guilds to found his “Hospital” where twelve Brethren – soldiers who had fought for crown and country – could find a home. No one could have imagined the “Hospital” could have survived to this day with little changed. The current Master, Heidi Meyer, installed in November 2017 will tell you about life in this “anachronistic” institution, both in the past and present, why it is as important today as it was 450 years ago and what great plans are afoot for the future.
Coffee will be served from 10.15am, with the main talk beginning at 11am sharp, and lunch from 12.30pm.
Lunch & Talk ticket price: £22 (Members) & £24 (Guests)
Talk only ticket price: £10 – FREE for first-time visitors
Cheques payable to ‘English-Speaking Union’ should be sent to:
ESU Luncheon Secretary, 3 Stonemasons Yard, Salisbury SP1 2HX
[email protected]
Direct transfers can be made to:
Bank: Coutts & Co, 440 Strand, London WC2R 0QS
Sort Code: 18-00-02
Account Name: English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth
Account No: 01817590
Please mark the transfer clearly as “SalisLunch”