Lincolnshire student travel grant: Three testimonials | ESU

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Home > News and views > Lincolnshire student travel grant: Three testimonials

Lincolnshire student travel grant: Three testimonials

Over the last 100 years, the English-Speaking Union has supported many young people in developing and furthering their cultural understanding.

The Lincoln and Lincolnshire Branch also fund 3 of their own, annual travel grants in support of this mission. To find out more and to apply for this years Lincolnshire Student Travel Grants click here.

See what Sophie, Rosie and Laura, who previously received travel grants from Lincolnshire have to say about their experiences:

Sophie (see main photo and below) was one of the lucky students who received one of our grants and had the opportunity of a lifetime to travel to China, before going up to Oxford this year to read English.

“I am incredibly grateful to the ESU for their support for my aviation trip to China, without which I could never have gone. The trip allowed me to see some amazing sights, but more importantly was the first cadet exchange to China, and so was the first step in providing international contacts with this country. Sharing our experiences, both directly aviation related and of our lives in general, has introduced me to new ideas and will, I hope, encourage the air cadets to continue to form international bonds.”

Rosie Stevenson (pictured below) spent a month volunteering in Malawi with Outlook Expeditions at the Kuti Wildlife Reserve and at an orphanage in Lilongwe.

“I can’t express in words how grateful I am for the support of the English Speaking Union without which I would never have made it to Malawi.”


Laura (pictured below), travelled to Gulu in Uganda in July 2015 until June 2016.  During this time Laura was involved in public speaking, team building, teaching English and much, much more. The Lincolnshire branch of the ESU gave Laura a grant to help support her fundraising for this adventure.

“Spending a year out was one of the best decisions that I’ve made. Learning from a new culture, tasting new foods and meeting incredible people. This year I will never forget!  Many thanks again for your support and help”



This story was submitted by the ESU Lincoln and Lincolnshire branch. Please click here for information on this branch and its upcoming events.

To find out more and to apply for this years Lincolnshire Student Travel Grants click here.

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