The Bull Inn on the Bexhill Road was the venue for the July Lunch meeting of Hastings 1066.
After a few notices given by the Chairman we enjoyed a beautiful lunch. During coffee, we were treated to a talk given by a retired commercial lady pilot, Zohar Sylph. She spoke about her experiences when a child, observing her father who worked with many different types of aircraft and through him came to be interested in flying. She began her career by flying light aircraft and then graduated to flying aircraft like the Boeing 757. She became a technical instructor and flying inspector and has flown many people to many different countries, some with difficult landing places.
She was also the lead pilot on the Boeing 37 Jet planes. She had also experienced many changes in technological development in the control panels This was a fascinating talk enjoyed by members and guest alike.
This story was submitted by the ESU Hastings branch. Please click here for information on this branch and its upcoming events.