“Sailing Around the World”
Peter Forbes
At the age of 8, Peter Forbes was taught to sail by his mother in a felucca at the confluence of the Blue and the White Nile in Khartoum. This early happy experience engendered a lifelong love for sailing and for the sea and led to the nurturing of a dream over the intervening years to sail around the world. A meeting with Italian beer baron, Rudi Peroni, led to the acquisition of Carango, his beautiful 54ft yacht and to the training in its management. By 2015 Peter and Vicky, his wife, were ready to set sail and to fulfil this dream by embarking upon their great journey. Paying specific attention to the Panama Canal, the Galapagos and Cape Town, the talk will cover the interesting experiences and exciting challenges that they faced during this long voyage.
Lunch & Talk £18; Talk only £10 – Talk FREE for first-time visitors. Advance booking essential.