The Branch ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING followed by a Talk –
“An Artist’s View of 19th Century Rural Britain”
Felicity Herring
Felicity Herring has a BA in history and economics and an MA in Fine Art Valuation. She is an experienced Art Society lecturer and also lectures on cruise ships. She is a member of the Nelson Society and the 1805 Club.
All her lectures are illustrated with slides of paintings relating to the subject. She has given talks to National Trust groups, yacht clubs, British Legion, Rotary, public school sixth forms and retirement groups such as U3A and Probus.
Felicity is a welcome ‘returnee’ to the Salisbury Branch, having spoken to us before about The Life and Loves of Admiral Lord Nelson.
Lunch & Talk £18; Talk only £10 – Talk FREE for first-time visitors. Advance booking essential.