Thanks to the generosity of James and Claire Birch, the Lincolnshire Branch of the English Speaking Union will be holding an evening in aid of our Oracy in Action programme for Lincolnshire Schools on Thursday 3rd August. So do join us for a light-hearted evening sampling 7 wonderful wines from Portugal with Doddington’s resident experts – Sarah and Christie – who will enlighten us with the history and rich stories of these wonderful wines and of course port. A cheese plater will be served prior to the red wine arriving. If the weather is fine we will be in the beautiful café courtyard and if chilly, inside the café. If you like what you taste you’ll be able to pick-up your favourites at a discounted rate in the shop afterwards.
Confirm your attendance to: [email protected] or telephone 01469 571387. Payment can be made by BACS: Account: 01817590 Code: 18 00 02 Ref: LINC “Your Name”