Miles Young, ESU Chair requests the pleasure of your company for a Thanksgiving Dinner supporting the life-changing work of the English-Speaking Union.
Our guest speaker will be Sir Peter Westmacott, former British Ambassador to the United States.
Urbane, globe-trotting mandarins; polished hosts of ambassadorial gatherings attended by the well-groomed ranks of the international great and good: such is the well-worn image of the career diplomat. But beyond the canapes of familiar caricature, what does a professional diplomat actually do? What are the activities that fill the working day of Her Majesty’s Ambassadors around the world?
Peter Westmacott’s forty-year career in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office straddled the last decade of the Cold War and the age of globalization, included spells in pre-revolutionary Iran and the European Commission in Brussels, and culminated in prestigious ambassadorial postings in Ankara, Paris and Washington in the post-9/11 era.
In what promises to be a fascinating evening, Sir Peter will share stories of life in the upper echelons of the diplomatic and political worlds and why, in this age of instant communication, social media and special envoys, he feels the role of a diplomat is as relevant as ever.
This event is part of the English-Speaking Union’s programme of celebrating global understanding through dialogue and will support our vital charitable mission of giving young people the speaking and listening skills and cultural understanding they need to thrive.
Bookings can be made online here or by telephone +44 (0)20 7529 1579.