Take part
Public speaking can be many things. It could be a formal speech or spoken verse about an issue that really matters to you, or it could be a poem, by you or another author, that you you’d like to read. Whatever, is is, we’d love to hear from you. Simply film yourself in action and post it on social media – not forgetting the hashtag #esufestivalofspeaking. For inspiration, take a look at the videos and resources below.
Also take a look at the festival resources for debating and performing.
Miranda Powell: 'Stand and Deliver'
Robert Buckland, Lord Chancellor
Sam Kusi: 'A gift to our youth'
Speaking Resources
How to take part
Getting Started
Simon Lancaster, Speechwriter
Top tips from Alisa, IPSC competitor
Katja van Koten: 'Train your brain'
Inspiration and entries
Aleha represented Pakistan at the International Public Speaking Competition. This powerful speech was prepared and rehearsed in just 15 minutes for an improptu heat.
Jyothi recorded her speech "Nature is a common language" from home under lockdown.
WATCH HER SPEECHCharlie: 'Sticks and Stones - Homophobia'
Listen to Louis' thoughts on 'Uncomfortable conversations'
Alisa Topchiy: Public Speaking changed my life
If you can speak in this country, you can do anything.
Sir Winston Churchill
Chairman of the English-Speaking Union 1921-1925
Help give more young people the speaking and listening skills and cultural understanding they need to thrive